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Healthy Boundaries before Goal Setting

This time of year most of us focus on #goalsetting. By now I would have already designed a vision board of #goals but this year I wanted to have a different strategy on how to kick some serious goals in 2023. I found myself mixing it up by creating #healthyboundaries instead.

I am sure we can all relate to sometimes life getting in the way of our beautifully designed goals but what I find lets us down in reaching our goals is our #unhealthyboundaries.

For most of us unhealthy boundaries tend to be mostly people pleasing and freely giving away our time and energy which in turn we lose focus on our true hearts desires aka our #goals

When we set #healthyboundaries its as though we are creating a law that’s designed to protect our #goals and ourselves.

Having solid and #healthyboundaries in all components of our lives reminds us that we need to protect our energy and time but most importantly having healthy boundaries protects our mental, emotional and physical health. When we protect ourselves on all these levels it reminds us and others that its perfectly okay to put our needs and what we truly value first and foremost. When we are solid on our #healthyboundaries others respect us and even help us achieve our goals.

What #healthyboundary do you need to create to achieve one of your goals, big or small?

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